Sunday, August 31, 2008

Landscapes of the Northeast Coast

This posting is a culmi- nation of almost a month in the making. After visiting Yelio and Chinshan, I was absolutely captivated by the North and Northeast Coasts of Taiwan. I knew I had to return, but to explore them would take months by public transportation. I decided it was time to get out little red.

For some reason, I have neglected to introduce this important aspect of my life for almost a year now. Last fall, I bought a motorcycle. It's a hot red, two-stroke 135 CC sports bike and it draws attention. I'll admit I was scared out of my wits for the first three months I had it, and rarely drove it. However, I started to master the back alleys, and before you knew it, I was out on the road. I hated the city driving and stuck solely to the mountain roads. (But now that I am living back in the downtown area, I am certainly whizzing about in speedy traffic like a suicidal maniac, a common driving practice in Taipei.)

So, I hopped on "Shiao Hong", or "Little Red" and took her out to the coast. First I zipped up past Wanli and Chinshan to check out Shimen Arch. A stone wall that had an enormous hole blasted through its center by the sea stands majestically against the coast line.

After that, I decided it was time for some good old fashioned lying on the beach. I had lots of time to kill, so I headed over to Baishanwan for some sun soaking and swimming. Located at the northern most point of Taiwan, this is a relatively clean beach that saw a good crowd for a Sunday afternoon. It also shattered my notion that Fulong was the only decent beach around Taipei.

On the other side of Keelung lies more extravagent treasures along the Northeast Coast including Jeofen, Fan Tz Ao, the Peculiar Rocks of Nanya, and the ever impressive cliffs of Bitou. Enjoy these remarkable snapshots.

Pan Tz Ao Rock Formations

Cliffs of Bitou

Peculiar Rocks of Nanya

Cliffs of Bitou

The Northeast Coast

From your Taiwan resident landscape photographer, Michael.

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