6 seconds. Imagine falling through the air for six seconds after starting out only 233 meters above the ground. 6 seconds with your heart in your feet and the wind accelerating past you at 32.2 feet per second squared. 6 seconds of death defying, whirlie-birding, stomach twisting, adrenaline rushing free falling sure enough to send any skeptic for a last minute repentance.
In the kingdom of extreme sports, Bungee jumping reigns supreme; and when it comes to doing something extreme, it's worth overdoing the extreme. In Macau, there is the worlds highest commercial bungee jump off the Macau Tower. Taller than the Eiffel Tower and the Space Needle, this is the granddaddy of jumping from high places- the colossus of columns, the titan of tumbling, the behemoth of bungee.
I arrived in Macau on the Red Eye from Taipei. My friend was working in The Venetian Casino and it was up to me to get over to see her. I took the free shuttle bus provided and was at the airport in a short five minute ride. I found the lounge bar she was working at (she was part of the lucky draw that night) and parked myself down for a few drinks while waiting for her to come out. In a few moments, she appeared and we caught up briefly about her new and exciting life in Macau. Apparently she gets free McDonald's food every day. When she got off work, I went to settle my tab but discovered all was on the house as I was friends with the ambassador of the casino! Already I felt like I won the jackpot!
The following day, I was due to meet up with my buddy from Hong Kong and his friend to do the big leap. Some crossed wires (and the fact that I didn't have a working cell phone) unfortunately meant that they did the jump while I waited for them in the lobby. Oh well! We finally caught up with each other after their jump and went out to a great little Portuguese restaurant called Francisco's. Although this place was a little out of the way, they had excellent food, Sangria, and a perfect little atmosphere to kick the night off well.
After dinner with a whole chicken, steak, sangria, espresso, and Grappa in our stomachs, it was time to hit the casino! We got The Venetian and found the lowest limit blackjack table we could find (I think it was US$25 dollars minimum bet) and prepared for a night of winning. I used all the tricks of the trade my dad taught me in black jack and, along with my two friends, we all came out in the black (or should I say in the black jack)! With everyone up about US$50 bucks, we called it quits and moved the party into the bar where we met my other friend who just got off work.
Our winnings went back into paying for the drinks, food and cigars as we lived the high life of high rollers for one great evening. With our winnings now firmly invested in our evening's entertainment, we reflected in the fact that, yes indeed, the house
always wins. My friends took the ferry back to Honkers and I retired for the night to prepare for the bungee jump the following day.
I woke with surprisingly little effects from the night before, although I was a bit tired. My friend stayed in bed while I took a cab over to the tower across town. I bought my ticket and boarded the elevator to the top floor. Once I got up there, I checked in. Because I know a very smart and beautiful girl working for the company, I got a 30% discount! I made sure to get the pictures an videos as a thanks to the company and her generosity (and as a great souvenir for myself)!
After purchasing the ticket, I went and got suited up. The day was crystal clear and as such, there were a lot of a jumpers in queue. The wait to jump was about 2 hours and a lot goes through your mind in those two hours- what am I doing here? Why am I jumping? As you see all the people thrown over the edge, you really have to question your own sanity.
Finally, my turn came up. I was the last to jump in a small group of five. It's very surreal to watch people being tossed off a ledge like that. Nevertheless, this was very real. The jumping specialist chained my feet together, so I had to inch my way to the jumping platform. I felt like a prisoner being brought to his hanging execution. My heart was really pumping and I didn't make the same mistake you always see in the movies- I DIDN'T look down. In my head, there was a very big, loud voice screaming at me, "Michael, what the **** are you doing! Get the **** away from this ***** edge your ****** lunatic!!!" Pardon my french, but that little voice was really freaking out.
I finally reached the edge with every inch long step I took. The unhooked the safety harness leaving me only with the bungee cable. When they dropped the cable, the weight of it almost pulled me right off the tower. Then, before I could change my mind the countdown started.
5... Ok still time, very far away
4... I like even numbers, this is ok
3... Umm, don't you think you're counting a bit to fast?
2... Forget what I said about even numbers, I hate them, go back to 5!
1... This is the worst idea I have ever had!
It took every ounce of will power to lean forward and fall off that ledge. The first two seconds I really felt like I was going to die. My knees turned to jelly, my heart was pounding faster than it ever has, the world was spinning around me, my stomach was in my throat, it was one of the worst feelings I have ever had- a feeling where you completely not in control and you are plummeting to your doom. It's also very silent at first which is tremendously eerie. But soon you start to hear the familiar sound of wind rushing past you and the deceleration slows as you reach maximum velocity. You get a handle on your environment and situation and before you long actually find yourself enjoying it. When you come to terms with the bungee, it's amazing how the worst feeling in the world quickly becomes the best feeling in the world.
Before long, you feel the tension of the bungee cord tighten and you know that the ride is almost over. The cord bounces back up where you remove the cord and they slowly lower you to the ground. When doing an extreme sport like this, scientists day that your brain floods with dopamine, the same chemical released during sex, leaving you with an immense sensation of euphoria. This is true- I couldn't stop smiling and laughing the entire way down.
For the rest of the night, I was on cloud nine. I joined the elite ranks of bungee jumpers anonymous and faced a great fear of falling off a building. It's a liberating, intoxicating sensation, and apparently it's also addictive. That's why I'm looking at other bungee jumps around the world, including one place in Indonesia where you bungee off a motorcycle.
From your free falling, whirlie birding, life betting bloke of Macau, Mike. Oh and here's a movie for you to watch!