The day started early (as do all my adventures with Jeff like river tracing and surfing) with a nice Dan Bing breakfast. I prefer the zhwa bing variety, but I am in the minority amongst foreigners on that one. With a full belly, we rode our bikes up to the paintballing location and geared up.
In our full army uniforms and our guns in hand, we marched out into the bush. Being my first time paintballing, it was reminiscent of hiking out in the bush in Vietnam as it was a hot and steamy day in the jungle! When we arrived at the battlefield, we decided to play a game of capture the flag. As mentioned already, I would rather shoot Jeff all day than capture a flag so I was delighted to learn that I was not on his team and I could set my sights honestly! All's fair in friendship and paintballing.
We were given time to survey the surrounding area and plan our attack. We clearly had the defensive advantage with more areas to protect our flag, but would make the offensive aspect of our strategy somewhat more challenging. Nevertheless, we took our positions and the General blew his whistle.
With that, the paintballs started flying. You could hear them wizz past you like angry bees looking for the kill. One hit my head leaving a strealk of pink paint, like blood, across my hair. At least I hope it was paint!
The attack was full on now, but with seconds remaining we were able to maintain our position and hold the deep. The whistle was blown and the first war game ended in a stalemate. We took a break as another battle waged on before we returned to the field and played again. We took the tougher side and, sadly, this game did not go so well. I was shot again and had to retire to the "land of the dead" as I watched the opposing team advance on our fort and capture our flag. A victory for them, perhaps, but I got to shoot Jeff all day, which was a victory for me.
After the second game, we returned to the HQ and had a big BBQ celebration before the afternoon games started. Unfortunately, I had to meet some people in the afternoon, so I was honorably discharged and went home.
On my way back, I imagined how fun it would be to ride my motorcycle with a paintball gun and shoot all the pedestrians as they walked by. From your 5 Star General of the Paint, Michael.
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